- Speaker in “Ordem dos Avaliadores” seminar – National Real Estate Evaluator Association, ANAI - "The impact of future energetic requirements in the real estate market price and in the final evaluation value” –ISEL Auditorium- Jan 2008- Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
- Speaker in Technical afternoon ANPQ - 23 October 2013 –Presentation of new Legislation: Law
nº 58/2013 and Decreto-lei n. º 118/2013 – Chapter III – Residential Building Regulation (REH) According with the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD Recast Directive 2010/31/EU)
- Speaker in Energy and Future, Conference Cicle - 31 March 2014 –The Architecture role in the new EPBD recast – ADENE end Energia e Edificios (Energy and Buildings).
- Speaker in 1º FORUM HABITAT Saint-Gobain - ORDEM DOS ARQUITECTOS Lisbon June 23rd : Opaque and transparent envelope in Building energy efficiency.
- Speaker in 2º FORUM HABITAT Saint-Gobain - ORDEM DOS ARQUITECTOS Oporto, Fundação Cupertino de Miranda, May 18th: Opaque and transparent envelope in Building energy efficiency.